Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I lol’d so many times while reading this.

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Hahahaha, thank you!

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Jun 17Liked by Kim Baldwin

Kim, OMG. I laughed so so so hard. I am so sorry. Every! detail!

"our finest Old Navy dresses and Rocket Dog flip flops"

you passing out!

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You are so generous with your comments! TY 🫶🏼

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I did it once in my early 30’s & never again!!!! It wasn’t so much the pain that stopped me more that I hated looking like a little girl. It just weirded me out too much. Long live the full bush!

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Viva la bush!

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I have never done a Brazilian & this story encapsulates precisely why. I cry at a brow wax, but my butthole? Never.

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I don't recommend it! 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I’m so sorry for lol-ing at your pain. I can’t imagine doing this to myself, but I am very old and no longer care.

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Hahaha! No, please laugh!

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Jun 19Liked by Kim Baldwin

Lol, this was a delight to read. I am a one and done with the Brazilian, or any wax near my lady bits. It's awful! And I agree with the other commenter, I felt like a little girl, not the vibe I was going for. I am sorry you had such a traumatic experience, but thankful you decided to share.

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Thank you for reading it!

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I full on guffawed at this (mis)adventure - & using “Basic Instinct” as a verb: bra-VO!

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Thank you!

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Jun 17Liked by Kim Baldwin

I have never done a Brazilian — and now I definitely never will. (lol)

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I don’t recommend it! lolz

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

THIS!!!! Rocket Dog flip-flops! I can picture y’all in vivid detail! You need to submit this!

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I just noticed as I went to comment that my whole lower body is clenched having read this! This is so good (but so bad!). I am not a waxer for aaaaaall of these reasons.

Also: “the exaggerated straddle of an actor in a Pace Picante commercial” spoke to my soul 😂

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😂😂 Thanks, Sarah!

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

So funny! It took me back to my younger days when I used to get just regular bikini waxes regularly, and that was bad enough! Laser Groupons and old age has rid me of most of those issues now.

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Me, too! 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Kim Baldwin

I remember this moment! I was in my 20’s living in the West Village when this SATC episode came out. What a terrific story, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Yes, exactly! Thank you for reading.

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I physically felt every detail of this story. (Also, the CBK cameo!!!)

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High praise! TY

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